Getting an Android device ID in Flutter

In getting an Android device ID for mobile app development, ensuring the security of user data is paramount. One crucial aspect is the identification of devices interacting with your application, and Android devices provide a unique identifier that can be utilized for this purpose.

This blog will explore the significance of getting an Android device ID and how to implement their retrieval within a Flutter application.

Importance of Getting an Android device ID

In the realm of mobile app security, uniquely identifying devices becomes essential.

This identification helps developers track user engagement, manage device-specific configurations, and enhance the overall user experience. However, it is crucial to approach this process considering user privacy and data protection regulations.

Getting an Android device ID in Flutter

Android devices offer a reliable solution in the form of a unique device ID. This identifier, often referred to as the Android ID, allows developers to distinguish one device from another.

Leveraging this information responsibly can contribute to the creation of a more secure and personalized app experience.

Getting an Android device ID in Flutter

The Flutter framework provides a streamlined way to retrieve the Android device ID using the device_info_plus plugin. The code snippet provides you with how to obtain the Android device ID within a Flutter application.

You can write the below code in “` login.dart“` file or anywhere you need.

String _deviceID = 'Loading...';

Future<void> _getDeviceID() async {
  DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin();
  AndroidDeviceInfo androidInfo = await deviceInfo.androidInfo;
  setState(() {
    _deviceID =;

In this snippet, the device_info_plus plugin is employed to gather information about the Android device.

The androidInfo object is then used to extract the device ID, which is subsequently stored in the _deviceID variable. The use of setState ensures that the UI reflects the obtained device ID.

unique device id

Integrating Device ID into Authentication Flow

With the Android device ID in hand, developers can integrate it into various aspects of their application. In the provided code, the _deviceID is utilized within the _validate function, which is likely part of an authentication flow.

void _validate() {
  if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
      authRequestModel: AuthRequestModel(
        userName: emailController.text,
        password: passwordController.text,
        deviceId: _deviceID,

In this authentication flow, the Android device ID is included as part of the AuthRequestModel.

This information is then sent to the backend during the login process. Incorporating the device ID into authentication requests enhances security by associating user credentials with a specific device.

Getting an Android device ID with other info

Future<void> _getDeviceInformation() async {
  DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin();

  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    AndroidDeviceInfo androidInfo = await deviceInfo.androidInfo;

    setState(() {
      _deviceID = androidInfo.androidId;
      _deviceModel = androidInfo.model;
      _manufacturer = androidInfo.manufacturer;
      _androidVersion = androidInfo.version.release;
      // Add more properties as needed

Not only is the Android device ID retrieved, but additional information such as the device model, manufacturer, and Android version is also captured. This comprehensive set of data can be beneficial for various purposes, including analytics, user support, and feature customization based on device specifications.

Responsible Use of Device IDs

While device IDs provide valuable insights and enhance security, it is crucial to handle them responsibly.

Developers must prioritize user privacy and comply with data protection regulations. Informing users about the purpose of collecting device IDs and obtaining consent is essential in building trust.

Additionally, developers should be mindful of potential changes in Android’s policies regarding device identifiers. Staying informed about platform updates and adjusting code accordingly ensures the longevity and compliance of your application.

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In conclusion, the integration of Android device IDs into Flutter applications can significantly contribute to enhanced security and personalized user experiences.

By responsibly leveraging the unique identifiers provided by Android devices, developers can create more robust authentication flows and better manage device-specific configurations.

The provided code snippets serve as a practical guide for implementing device ID retrieval and incorporating it into an authentication process within a Flutter app.

Always prioritize user privacy, stay informed about platform updates, and adapt your code accordingly for a secure and sustainable mobile app development experience.

Ambika Dulal

Ambika Dulal is a Flutter Developer from Nepal who is passionate about building beautiful and user-friendly apps. She is always looking for new challenges and is eager to learn new things. She is also a strong believer in giving back to the community and is always willing to help others.

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